

The world goodbye 2014 facing one of the major health crises in the last years. Who are, and what role performed, two big players in the air transport.

“We have successfully delivered several consignments already, and with the temperature controlled unit from Envirotainer, we can now implement delivery of much needed temperature sensitive medical supplies”. These words, expressed by Richard Smith, Director for Freight at Air Partner, remark how close his company and Envirotainer worked to organize charter aircraft shipments on a regular basis in the context of Ebola crisis.

Air Partner, an air charter company based in the United Kingdom, joined efforts with Envirotainer with the goal of assisting in the humanitarian response to the most recent health crisis in the North of Africa. This became into reality with the lease of the RAP e2 containers, one of Envirotainer’s products, as part of providing a vital flow of resources to the new British treatment centers, in order to help control Ebola in the Republic of Sierra Leone.

According to World Health Organization, the Ebola virus causes a serious illness and, often, fatal in case of no treatment. The outbreak that took place in West Africa in the end of 2014 is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since it was first discovered in 1976. It has spread between countries starting in Guinea, and then spreading across land borders to Sierra Leone.

In this context, Simon Angeldorff, CEO at Envirotainer, emphasized to be pleased of having been able of “respond quickly with Air Partner to the challenging situation”. He also remarked that “it’s not always about shipping a container from A to B, but about being part of the higher purpose which is helping the patient.”

The two players

Over 50 years in the aviation industry and 20 offices spanning Europe, North America, Middle East and Asia, have enabled Air Partner to develop the necessary strength of service to provide every type of business any type of aircraft.

With headquarters and a full 24/7 flight operations centre with base in Gatwick Airport, in London, Air Partner is a world leader air charter company, and also the only aviation company to hold a Royal Warrant of Appointment to Queen Elizabeth II.

The ideal enviropartner in the fight against Ebola could not be any other than a world class company.

Founded in 1985 and privately held, Envirotainer is the leader in secure cold chain logistics solutions (primarily within the life science industry), manufacturing and leasing active temperature-controlled containers. With headquarters Sweden, Envirotainer reaches 200 airports in over 100 countries worldwide through a global network of airline companies and logistics partners.

Under the premise of guaranteeing reliable temperature controlled conditions, Envirotainer helps healthcare companies and their logistic partners to ship temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals all over the world, and to maintain the integrity and quality of their products throughout the cold chain.

Thanks to the knowledge gained as manufacturer of air cargo solutions and the continuous developments within the field of temperature control and thermo-dynamics, Envirotainer also offers cold chain management services and customized solutions, counting with the support of two technologies:
E1/E2: active temperature control system based on compressor cooling and electric heating. E1 is available in size RKN and E2 is available in size RAP.
T2: active temperature control system based on dry ice refrigeration (available in two sizes (RAP and RKN)

One of the most recent achievements took place in the middle of 2014, when Envirotainer received full FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) approval for the e1 RKN container. Having already acquired the certifications from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the FAA approval means that airlines based in the United States (and any other country that recognizes FAA regulations) are now able to conduct their own engineering assessment required to carry the e1 RKN container onboard their aircraft.

The humanitarian response to tackle Ebola has urged different actors to work in very complex circumstances. The facts and figures stated above show why the challenges around the fight against Ebola are something for which Air Partner and Envirotainer seem to be prepared.

Nota publicada en la edición de Febrero 2015 en la Revista Logistics Business, de Reino Unido. Click aquí para ver.


Por Lic. Gino Baldissare

Toda la información difundida en este blog es exclusivamente a título personal. No es vinculante a las organizaciones y empresas en las que me desempeño o me he desempeñado.

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